Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Something I don't understand...
When I live in Australia,I have got lots of problem such as:In life and in class,I don't understand when people talk with me.I try to talk to people understand but always my partner don't know.I feel boring,angry while I want to yell Vietnamese.I work at restaurant,I feel comfortable when I meet lots of customer lovely,polite,friendly.When I order wrong,they still happy and say with me 'no prolem'.Yesterday,I finished work,customer have got give to me money but I don't receive.I love customer,they always back up.


  1. Diego

    Ohhhhhh Dao, It's hard for us too.

  2. Marlon: You will understand more Dao. Keep trying. You are getting better. :D Your customers sound like very nice people. :)
