Wednesday, 29 February 2012

D !! ... The interesting stranger

I was walking just beside my uni along a very common street when a pauper came toward me asking for some money. The guy was an old man, wearing old and dirty clothes and he had some dust on his face. But something was strange, he didn't smell as bad as everyone of us have thought that a guy like this does.  In this moment i didn't feel afraid because i was near my uni so it was not very bad.

I don't know why but the only thing that came to my mind instead of give him money was "I want to give him something different". In this momment i asked him if he was hungry and i invited him to have something to eat with me. We went to a small trolly on the street that sold different things, i said to the man "what would you like for today?" the guy just asked for a "arepa" something very common in my country. I ordered the same as him and i try to start a conversation but he was very quiet, maybe because no one had had this intention with him before or maybe beacuse he was waiting the money in order to buy drugs or alcohol, i never knew it. But maybe, just maybe, his thought about society changed in this momment, or maybe he try to be a better person, i dont know.

We don't stop to think very often about what actions or behaviours we have in our lifes that could influence in others' life. Even saying "hello" or "thanks" to the person who clean your house, office, school, whatever; im sure that this person is going to have a motive to be happy that day.

Think about it !!


  1. Marlon: That is a very nice philosophy in life. I am sure it will brighten many days.

  2. Walter:Yes ,sometimes people ignore the feeling of the other people and just think of themself.It's a kinda selffish and i agree with you if everyone think for one for everyone and think more about the other even a little bit i am sure the world will be different.

  3. isabel
    nice story, maybe we all should take five minutes every day and think about life, and how lucky we are for what we have!

  4. soleme : yes, sure, or even answer when someone ask you for money in the street. there is a lot of persons who prefer ignore them. One "hello" or a smile, it's always free ! :)

  5. Diego C: We don't know if we influence the life of others, but i'm sure that that kind of actions change our own life.

  6. I'm sure that those kinds of things make the difference and make a better world!

  7. Marcos:Interesting story man, actually, many people should try to do that once. But after reading this I can't stop thinking, you see me everyday and you've never asked me to have something for free?THAT's mean haha
