Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Emma - Stg that annoyed me this week

I used to Skype my family as much as I could since I arrived in Perth,especially my mother because we are very close. But on Monday , when I Skyped her , i saw my grandmother on the screen (you have to know that my father,mother,grandmother and oncle are working together).

So it was at work, and she didn't look good. She learned that i've found a job as a cleaner and saw some pictures of me partying on facebook via my little brother (i don't know how she did it..) In brief , we spent one hour arguing about my job and lifestyle ; "You can find a better job ! I saw you in picture with a glass of alcohol ! I don't understand you're generation etc... " I explained her that everything was ok, that the money i'm earning is enought for now and that my lifestyle is normal for any people of 19. The day after i sent her an email and fortunatly it's better now.


  1. isabel
    it's normal, parents care about their children, she can't control you at all from the distance and she has to be worry about you.

  2. Diego: Always is difficult try to explain older generations that the lifestyle is different now. But don't give up, keep having fun!!!

  3. Marlon: I think this is a great story! I hope your grandmother understands what it is like to be young. I am sure she is just worried that you will forget your studies and become one of 'those' children. :D

  4. It's difficult to parents understand some things, they want the best for you! But enjoy your days here!
