Wednesday, 7 March 2012


I would recommend she talk with him and have a honest conversation where she could tell him all her feelings about the situation. By this way, she could know what she really feels and what she is going to do to feel herself better.

If he is going to be honest in that conversation, he is going to tell her what he really wants. The relationship is between both of them, therefore I consider they have to agree in the decision that they are going to make. I would suggest she think in herself and show him her own points of view. If he is interested in the relationship, he will probably change some things with his ex-wife and it would improve the atmosphere. On the other hand, if he thinks he is doing right things and he doesn't agree with changing what he is doing at the present time with his ex-wife, she must look for a quiet life where she could be without worries and unsafe

Anyway, I think she has to learn from the situation and enjoy the life. She knew the previous man status so she could think what was going to happen with his last relationship. In my opinion, she could do things that make her feel happy and she must look for antoher man if she wants to start again another relationship.


  1. Marlon: Wow, your solution seems quite drastic. Surely there is a way to salvage the relationship and find happiness. But, I guess if things don't change, she has to put up with it or get out.

  2. Marcos:
    Give me five!! we both finished the post with the same conclusion, NEW relationship.

  3. Isabel
    Talk is the best way to solve problems, but I really think the problem here is not about the time he spends with "the other" and their children, but about being confident. I really think she is not sure about her own feelings and she's trying to find an excuse.

  4. Vianny: They really must talk clearly about the situation.
