Tuesday, 13 March 2012


It may sounds silly, but I've always heard people saying that we can have anything we really want to, anything we put an effort to get it. The first time I tried to get something that people thought impossible I really believed that I could get it and I got it!
Some years ago, my dream was to work at DisneyWorld. I needed to do some interviews and pay for the flight ticket and a lot of fees and taxes. It wasn't easy but I got it. I did an International College Program and worked and lived there for three months. Many people didn't believe that I could do this just by myself because I've always been very close to my family and shy. However it was easy, the best three months ever!
The same happened some months ago. I wanted to improve my English, so I decided to travel to study it in a English speaking country. I chose to come to Australia to stay for six months. My family and friends didn't believed again that I could do it just because I'm still very shy and they think I can't handle things by myself. And here I am! Three months later I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm studying and working, of course my father is helping me with some bills, but a part from that I do everything just by myself. I live with four korean people which makes everything a little more difficult since we have very different cultures, but I learn a lot with them, now I can realize how different people are, how cultures can be so different from each other...
I still have more three months here in Australia and maybe I will extend my Visa, I feel I still can learn lots of things and since I am on the other side of the world why not enjoy it as much as I can?
If I see it will be very important to me I am absolutely sure that I can do it!


  1. isabel
    great story, that is a lesson, no matter how hard it seems, no matter what people says, you always have to do what you think is best for you. the people who loves you will always stand by your side.

  2. To say the truth you are not a SHY girl....:)
    But hard girls like you always reach the future alone.!!

  3. lucy - When you get things making an effort, you value them more... and it makes you stronger.. !

  4. Oh really your dream was working in Disneyland? What a good job!! - Shan

  5. Diego:

    Off course you can, that is one of the phrases taht still in my mind as well. Never stop fighting for your dreams!

  6. Nice story! The key to get your dreams is believe in yourself and I think that you have been doing it!

  7. Good luck Pikachuzinhu! (He-Man)
